The Family Tree of Humanity is At Risk.

Today, We Need Your Help to Change That.

Your help can bring a sense of identity, ancestry and health to millions of people – and strengthen all of humanity.

The Family Tree of Humanity is At Risk.

Today, We Need Your Help to Change That.

Your help can bring a sense of identity, ancestry and health to millions of people – and strengthen all of humanity.

There is an ongoing crisis placing millions of family trees in danger of disappearing.

And it all starts with a common problem that you know too well. 
Thousands of communities across the world:
Don’t have or can’t access the records necessary to discover their family history (if the records exist at all).
Don’t have access to the DNA tests required to conduct a thorough analysis of their genomes.
Therefore have no way of knowing where they belong in the family tree of humanity.
When undertaking research in your family tree, you’ve no doubt hit that “brick wall”  and can’t go any further.

Well, that problem is far, far worse when researching communities of a non-European background.

DNA tests are incredibly important for building our family tree. However, many communities are being completely left behind.

When analyzing participants in the world’s global DNA record, geneticists found that:

  • 81% of participants were from Europe, the United States and Canada
  • 14% were from Asia
  • 3% were of African descent
  • ​Less than 1% were of Hispanic & Latin American descent, Pacific Islander, Arabic & Middle Eastern descent
  • ​And 0.05% were of Indigenous heritage

And therefore, much of the world’s communities are unaccounted for in the family tree of humanity.

Think about it this way.

If we compare a DNA sample reference library today with 20 reference books on a bookshelf:

  • 16 of those books would account for European heritage;
  • 3 of them would account for major Asian countries’ heritage;
  • And only 1 tiny book would represent everyone else.

When analyzing participants in the world’s global DNA record, geneticists found that:

  • 81% of participants were from Europe, the United States and Canada
  • 14% were from Asia
  • 3% were of African descent
  • ​Less than 1% were of Hispanic & Latin American descent, Pacific Islander, Arabic & Middle Eastern descent
  • ​And 0.05% were of Indigenous heritage

And therefore, much of the world’s communities are unaccounted for in the family tree of humanity.

Think about it this way.

If we compare a DNA sample reference library today with 20 reference books on a bookshelf:

  • 16 of those books would account for European heritage;
  • 3 of them would account for major Asian countries’ heritage;
  • And only 1 tiny book would represent everyone else.

Why does this matter?

How can we fix humanity’s family tree?

The answer is right in front of us.

It’s quite literally in our DNA and our genes.

Medical research into genetics has led to a breakthrough.

Science now allows us to tap deep into genomes gaining access to insights we never could before.

Whole Genome Sequencing allows us to capture full-blown, high-resolution views of a full genome, including the tiniest variants that are often missed in conventional genotype sequencing.

This information sourced from Whole Genome Sequencing will allow communities to:

  • Discover their exact genetic ancestry (and learn more about family members they never knew they had)
  • Discover insights into their genetic health never previously known – including the ability to identify genetic variants that can cause rare genetic diseases.
  • And – overall – help people discover more about who they are, allowing them to assess their lifestyle and wellness in ways they never thought possible.

It’s quite literally in our DNA and our genes.

Medical research into genetics has led to a breakthrough.

Science now allows us to tap deep into genomes gaining access to insights we never could before.

Whole Genome Sequencing allows us to capture full-blown, high-resolution views of a full genome, including the tiniest variants that are often missed in conventional genotype sequencing.

This information sourced from Whole Genome Sequencing will allow communities to:

  • Discover their exact genetic ancestry (and learn more about family members they never knew they had)
  • Discover insights into their genetic health never previously known – including the ability to identify genetic variants that can cause rare genetic diseases.
  • And – overall – help people discover more about who they are, allowing them to assess their lifestyle and wellness in ways they never thought possible.

But here’s the thing:

Whole Genome Sequencing costs a fortune.

It costs about $1,000 per test, meaning they are simply out of reach for much of the world.

The underserved populations of the world are the people who need DNA tests and genome sequencing the most.

These are the same populations who are underrepresented in humanity’s family tree.

But they simply have no way of accessing these technologies.

So what if we could provide Whole Genome sequencing to these underserved populations… no cost to them?

Well, this is where you come in:

Introducing the My Family Forward “30x30 Initiative”

The 30x30 Initiative is a bold mission to bring DNA tests and Whole Genome Sequencing to 30 underrepresented communities around the world by the end of 2030.

It is being led by My Family Forward, a nonprofit organization committed to achieving what many genealogists thought was impossible.

My Family Forward is committed to provide 1,000 whole genome and 9,000 genotype DNA sampling kits to 30 specific populations across the world.

(10,000 is the magic number needed to gain valuable insights into the population)

With the data collected from these tests, it is our hope that:

Underrepresented populations gain a greater understanding of their heritage and where they’ve come from.
Scientists can research the genetic code to find causes and cures for chronic diseases threatening the family tree of humanity.
Genealogists around the world gain a greater understanding of humanity’s family tree, so we can construct a full and accurate picture of our history.
Today, My Family Forward is partnering with communities around the world to unravel mysteries of ancestry and origin, giving all of them a better sense of place within the Family Tree of Humanity while enriching our overall understanding of the human story.

What is “My Family Forward”?

My Family Forward is a US-based, nonprofit organization.

And we have two simple, yet powerful goals.

Goal #1:

Growing the Family Tree of Humanity

We will do this by correcting the world’s globally imbalanced genetic portfolio.

And helping vulnerable and underrepresented communities around the world locate their complete heritage so that we can grow the Family Tree of Humanity to its fullest.

We have dedicated our cause to providing DNA testing, including whole genome and genotype sequencing.

And it has dramatic implications for the health and wellness of ourselves and future generations.

You see, the more complete the global DNA database of humanity is, the more medical breakthroughs will emerge to benefit all of humanity.
We are passionate about forwarding the genetic sequencing revolution to help people around the world become more connected to their ancestry, their origins, and to all of humanity.

 And this effort to help balance and grow the Family Tree of Humanity will also have major positive health implications for the people we work with, and for all of us.

This is the great human story.

And it’s something we know all of you are passionate about.

Goal #2:

Saving Humanity (but not how you expect)

The second part of our mission is equally important, and even more urgent.

All around the world, the statistics around our childrens’ health are incredibly troubling, and may threaten the ability for us to perpetuate the Family Tree of Humanity into the future.

The facts are sobering
15% of couples are experiencing infertility.
Up to 10% of women now have endometriosis (which can block the ovary from releasing eggs).
The average man has now 60% less sperm than his father had.
● There are over 364,600 pre-term births in the US in 2020, which leads to many other health, mental health, and behavioral problems for those children.
And our moms have an average of 300 chemical pollutants in their breast milk.

Why does any of this matter?

Because these growing health problems are placing family trees in danger of being wiped out completely.

Just think of a typical family…

It may have a heritage stretching back tens of thousands of years…

And over the next generation or two, it may disappear from humanity’s family tree forever.

Multiplied over the globe, this situation presents an existential crisis for humanity.

Your great, great grandparents likely had over 250 descendants, including you. Most probably didn’t have severe health issues.

At today’s current rates of infertility, you will be lucky to have 50 descendants to your great-great-grandchildren.

Dozens are likely to suffer from severe health conditions such as autism and endometriosis.
Our children, if they can conceive at all, will have even fewer descendants.
Notice the family tree getting smaller and smaller?

Here’s the thing...

Humanity is worth saving.
And science can guide us back to health.

We have studied this area for decades...

And have developed a scientifically proven plan to educate our parents-to-be about ways to prepare themselves for conception, dramatically increasing their fertility and their ability to have vibrant, healthy children.

Thanks to a new field called epigenetics, we now know what happens before conception in our parents, during pregnancy in our moms, and in the first months of the life of an infant…

Defines the early and even lifetime health of our children.

We are planning an ambitious campaign to change the paradigm around conceiving, birthing and raising children, to launch in early 2023.
By achieving the goals we’ve stated above, we can ensure our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren continue to have healthy babies…

And we can ensure a future for humanity, and our Family Tree that has been developing for over 7,500 generations!

But we can’t do it without your help – which is why we’re calling for your support.

Where will my money go?

Your money won’t just go to helping our 30x30 Initiative.
It will also go to groundbreaking scientific research.
Working on the frontiers of epigenetics and genetics, with scientific breakthroughs in DNA Whole Genome Sequencing, now means we have a real opportunity to:
  • Halt the growth of dozens of health issues threatening our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, unleashing the incredible genetic potential of our future generations.
  • Expand the global ancestral and DNA record tremendously (we’re talking, by millions of people). 
  • Help the world’s most vulnerable populations discover their true and complete ancestry.
  • ​Learn about these populations’ ancient health wisdom traditions, including perinatal health secrets of having vibrant children.
By accomplishing the above, we can truly bring these communities into the Family Tree of Humanity.
While this may seem ambitious and daunting, it can be done.

Growing the Family Tree of Humanity will nurture these precious and beautiful branches, moving us much closer to a true and unifying humanity.

How will the 30x30 Initiative work, exactly?

We will start by focusing on two communities in particular.

Community #1: Chiapas, Mexico

Community #1: Chiapas, Mexico

Chiapas is located in the south of Mexico and has a large indigenous population.

It is rich in Mayan culture and artifacts, but health risks are prevalent throughout this community.

The genetic diversity of Chiapas will provide invaluable windows into the health tendencies of this community, as well as intriguing insights into the Maya.

Community #2: Ghana, West Africa

Community #2: Ghana, West Africa

Our next partner will be Ghana, the West African nation rich in history and multi-ethnic populations.

Because Africa is the ultimate origin of humanity, it is home to more genetic diversity than any place on Earth.

And – as you well know – Africa is vastly underrepresented in the Family Tree of Humanity.

How Can You Help Us (and Help Yourself at the Same Time)?

We’re calling to action all genealogy enthusiasts who have a DNA file.

The chances are…

If you’ve conducted a DNA test sometime in the past (whether that’s through 23andMe, Ancestry or another service), it’s probably just sitting there, gathering dust… just waiting to be fully explored.

Today, that is now possible.

Through analyzing your genotype, it is now possible to understand how your DNA affects your health at a whole new level.
We can now give you actionable health and wellness information about your genes, through …

Your very own Personal Genetic Wellness Report.
(Presented to you by My Family Forward)

What’s a Personal Genetic Wellness Report, you ask?
This report will reveal insights about your ideal diet, your need for specific nutrients, best exercise practices, and even insights into your mental health.

Our Genetic Wellness Reports have been produced by our DNA Lab partner, Slopes Bio.

These reports cost very little (scroll below), are tremendously helpful, and will hugely support us to raise the funds necessary to launch the 30x30 Initiative.

This, in turn, will allow us to grow the Family Tree of Humanity, complete the human story and discover real solutions to our shared health challenges that we’ve discussed above.

What your Personal Genetic Wellness Report Will Tell You
 (And Why You Need to Care)

Your Genotype

Your genotype is the genetic blueprint that you have inherited from your parents. Our Personal Genetic Wellness Report will offer key insights into how your genes influence your health on a daily basis, in several categories:
  • Fitness Guidance
  • Food Guidance
  • Metabolism Guidance
  • Mental Health Guidance
  • ​Nutrient Guidance

Fitness Guidance

Find out how likely you are to improve your fitness with high-intensity workouts based on your genotype. The value you’ll get will include:
  • Your fitness-to-cardio response
  • Your body composition response to strength training
  • What workouts you need to stay fit

Food Guidance

Find out how to shape your diet based on your genotype, including:
  • The foods you should you be eating
  • The calories you should consume daily to lose weight
  • The carbohydrates, fats and protein you should consume

Metabolism Guidance

Find out how key information about your metabolism you’ve never seen before, including:
  • How metabolically responsive you are based on your genotype
  • Whether you are likely to burn an above average number of calories per day outside of performing regular physical activity
  • What success strategies you can implement to achieve a healthy metabolism

Mental Health Guidance

Discover how your genetics impacts your mental health, including:
  • Insights about anxiety and how to best deal with stress
  • Keys to optimal sleepFind out how prone you are to be deficient in a range of different minerals, from calcium and copper to iron and zinc
  • Help develop strategies to handle chronic painThe report will tell you what food and beverages you need to consume to ensure your mineral levels are balanced

Nutrient Guidance

  • Find out how your genetics affects your vitamin tendencies, such as whether you are more prone to become deficient in any vitamin. 
  • The report will give you tailored success strategies to ensure you know what you have to do to achieve a healthy nutrient balance.

What Impact Will Your Purchase Have?

A portion of every purchase of a Personal Genetic Wellness Report will go towards the following:

30x30 Initiative.

Your money will help fund DNA tests and whole genome sequencing for a community as part of our international initiative, such as the communities in Chiapas and Ghana.

Genetic research.

Your funds will help genetics perform critical research into genomes, and help find a cure to rare genetic diseases plaguing our population.

Saving humanity.

As dramatic as that sounds, your purchase will help us combat urgent health issues threatening all of us and our family tree, from endometriosis, to autism, to infertility.

Hear from People Who’ve Used this Report

Diane C. Loosle, Emeritus AG®, CG®

“This Personal Wellness Genetic Report positively impacted my life. First, I learned that the iron supplement I had taken much of my life, was doing me harm rather than good, so I stop taking it and started taking other nutrients I needed and was genetically predisposed to be low in, such as copper. I learned that I don’t metabolize carbs very well, but I do metabolize protein and fat really well. So, I have adjusted my diet accordingly. I am feeling healthier and have even lost weight with very little effort. I learned many more actionable things to change my health and well-being for good.”

(Or, of course, you can make a donation instead)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for a report?

Anyone who has done a DNA test with 23andme, Ancestry, and/or MyHeritage will be able to download their personalized Personal Genetic Wellness Report.

What if I haven’t done a DNA test before?

You can purchase a kit from My Family Forward at this link to get your DNA collection kit sent to you on the main site.

What happens once I’ve purchased my report?

Once you’ve paid for your report, you’ll receive an email with a link to login to a secure portal on the My Family Forward website, and upload your raw DNA file from 23andMe, Ancestry, and/or MyHeritage.

How long does it take to get my report?

Within 1-2 days after you upload your DNA file, you will receive an email to access your Personal Genetic Wellness report online and/or download your report.

Is my personal information kept confidential?

Absolutely. My Family Forward is 100% HIPAA Compliant by privacy & security protocols from the health industry. (This is a higher level of security than required of the genealogy industry.) Your data is stored in completely secure laboratories and is all de-identified, meaning nobody can find you, even if they wanted to. Your report is stored on our portal on a secure firewall after it is produced by our lab partner, Slopes Bio – not even we can see it.

So what do I do now?

Donate to our cause, purchase your personalized Personal Genetic Wellness Report, and join our community!

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